Friday 12 July 2013

Dr.Malpani: View on consumer complaints that Why doctor order lots of Test?

Doctors Order a Lot of Tests, Why?

When doctors order tests, they know that the tests are not necessarily useful and these tests do not affect the doctor’s diagnosis, advice, or even the options for treatment. Even though doctors know this, they still continue to order tests. Testing is not inexpensive and can be quite costly depending on the type of tests that must be run. They can even cause harm to the patient. If a test happens to come back abnormal, the doctor treats this condition even though it may have nothing to do with what the patient was originally complaining about.
So what makes doctors over test their patients? Believe it or not, there are actually complex reasons that they do this and it does not involve them making more money.

Doctors run tests, first and foremost, because the patient wants it. If you went to the doctor and they did nothing, you would be upset. Doctors are expected to run tests and do what they can to find out what the underlying problem is. When a doctor runs tests for the patient, the patient feels they have spent their consultation fee well and they are being taken care of.
Another reason doctors order tests is because this is what they were taught and also trained to do. Doctors are specifically taught to note the patient’s history, do an exam, come up with potential diagnoses, and also order tests to confirm. Even though this sounds good, it is not always the right way to do things. When patients come in to the doctor’s office, they normally have multiple complaints and not all of them have a specific diagnosis related to them. Even though doctors know that tests are not required, it gives the patient a peace of mind feeling and also allows them to diagnose anything if it is underlying.
Another reason doctors order tests is because they have be taught and trained to think that the tests will give them more information. If a doctor is unsure of a diagnosis or is unsure of what is going on, their first response is to order tests and they will get back to the diagnosis later. Doctors realize they must be careful in doing this though because if the test comes back abnormal, they may begin treating the test results and not the actual patient and his or her complaints.
Lastly, doctors run a lot of tests because they really have nothing else to do and do not know any different. When a doctor becomes dumbfounded for an answer, they do not want their patient to know and see this s o they act in confidence and order tests. As doctors become wiser and gain their confidence, they will eventually tell their patients that they do not need tests. As time has gone on, patients have come to realize that tests are not always required and it is not a bad thing if a doctor does not order any.
A breakthrough point will be reached in the future when there is an understanding between both doctor and patient that tests do not always need to be ordered and when they are not, it is okay.

Posted by Dr.AniruddhaMalpani